The following Bye-Laws were adopted in accordance with a resolution passed by the Executive Committee in October 2023: –
- All members who wish to be considered for selection for matches shall write their name on the appropriate match sheet which shall be placed on the notice board, whenever possible, at least 10 days before the date of the match.
- Except for events which members may enter on their own initiative (e.g. certain Competitions organised by the Kent Bowling Associations and the Bowlers Hospital Amenities Fund) players for Club matches shall be chosen by the relevant Selection Committee from names entered on the match sheets. Selection by the relevant Committees shall to the extent appropriate be on merit and taking into account the known strength of the opposition. Selection for Club representative games (e.g., The Bert Cox Cup, Molly Cleggett, and North West Kent Leagues) may be by invitation, at the discretion of the Selection Committees.
- The relevant Selection Committee shall determine the teams for each rink and shall post the match sheet on the notice board, whenever possible, not less than seven days before the match.
- Selected players shall initial their names on the match sheet to indicate their availability and whether going direct to away matches. If unable to play, either before or after initialling their names, selected players must advise the Captain or Match Captain without delay.
- The relevant Selection Committees shall also carry out any other duties assigned to them by the Executive Committee.
The Competition Secretary shall control the operation of all competitions. He or she may appoint a person of the opposite sex to assist in the running of either the men’s or ladies’ competitions as appropriate.
Men’s Competitions
(Entry for the Brook Singles is restricted to members who have not reached the semi-finals of any Men’s Championship or Mixed singles competitions during the previous five seasons, either at the club or any other club, or previous winners of the Brook Singles).
The Three-Wood One Hundred Up 5 Points, 3 Points, 2 Points.
Ladies’ Competitions
The Singles Championship
The Macdonald-Wood Singles
(Entry for the Macdonald-Wood Singles is restricted to members who have not reached the semi- finals of any Ladies’ Singles Championship or Mixed singles competitions during the previous five seasons, either at the club or any other club, or previous winners of the Macdonald-Wood Singles).
The Three-Wood One Hundred Up 5 Points, 3 Points, 2 Points.
The Competition Secretary and Assistant Competition Secretary will arrange the draw and control the competitions. They shall post notices on the Competition Notice boards listing the competitors and giving the dates by which each round must be completed. For all draws a second person must be present, which will usually be the respective Captains or their substitute.
- All games must be played by the specified dates unless an extension, which shall be at the discretion of the Competition Secretary, has been granted. If any game has not been played by the specified date or the date until which the Competition Secretary has granted a discretionary extension, both/all players in that game will be scratched from the competition.
- Ladies’/Men’s Aggregate (Monday afternoon)
Rules and control to be by the respective Captain or any member appointed by him/her to administer the competition. Six rinks to be reserved on Monday afternoons for the aggregate, three for the Ladies’, and three for the Men.
- The entrance fee shall be fixed by the Executive Committee and no member shall compete until such fee has been paid.
- Players shall be responsible for entering details of their arrangements for competitions in the Club Diary, indicating the starting time and type of competition, and preferred Rink number (booked on a first come basis).
- Rink numbers for matches, training, social events, or other reasons may be reserved by the Captains or Match Secretary at the start of the season or as they arise, according to the following priorities
- National, County Associations, Local Associations, Club matches, Wickham Park Trophy and domestic competitions (in compliance with internal competitions rules), shall take precedence in that order over all other games. Except that at least three rinks shall be available for roll-ups on Saturday mornings.
The Wickham Park Trophy.
Men versus Ladies teams. The competition to be five matches (of 4 rinks) each season.
Matches to be scored: 2 points for each winning rink. 1 point for a tie, 2 points for the side scoring the greatest number of shots overall.
Winners to be the team with the highest aggregate points over the series.
- Under the agreement of 1st June 2003, the Club agreed to manage the bowling green for Bromley Council and to make available at the earliest opportunity one rink for public play on When all rinks are booked for Club activities, a booking procedure shall be adopted to permit casual play. Casual players must observe the regulations governing footwear and bowling practice.
- Charges for the use of the green by persons other than Club members shall be determined by the Executive Committee but shall not exceed the scale of fees laid down by the London Borough of Details of charges and conditions of play will be published on the Club notice board.
The relevant Match Secretaries shall prepare fixture lists for Men’s and Ladies’ matches which shall be published annually giving details of all matches, Drives, Invitation days, and certain competitions, e.g., the Mixed Triples Competition and Finals Weekend. These fixtures shall be entered in the Club diary and (subject to Bye law 3 (c)) have priority over other games and competitions.
- Domestic Games (Roll Ups, practice sessions ) Subject to the provisions of bye laws 6 and 3 (c):
The green shall be available for domestic use every day from 10.00am
Men’s and ladies’ domestic competitions may be played on every day from 10.00am.
- Ladies.
- White/Cream regulation skirts, trousers, or white shorts (no jeans) and plain White/ Cream sports tops, with collars and sleeves (including club shirts) shall be worn for all matches where “whites” are indicated on the team sheets.
- At all other times mid grey skirts or trousers or mid grey shorts and plain White/ Cream sports tops, with collars and sleeves (including club shirts) may be worn, and unless the rules of a competition require shoes of a specified colour to be worn, any recognised bowling shoe may be worn at any time.
- Sandals with flat smooth soles and no heels may be worn on the green except where outside competitions ban them. The club accepts no liability for injury arising from the wearing of sandals.
- White trousers or shorts (no jeans) and white above the waist (including club shirts) shall be worn for all matches where “whites” are indicated on the team sheets.
- Inclement weather
Where weather conditions require the use of protective clothing, white coats, jumpers etc, may be worn over the specified dress.
The only persons permitted to play on the green shall be as follows:
- Full playing members who have paid the Club subscription
- Visiting teams and competitors engaged in competitions with Club
- Visitors playing with or accompanied by a full playing member, such member being responsible for payment to the Treasurer of the fee for casual play. No visitor may play more than three times in one season without the prior permission of the Executive Committee
- Applicants for Club memberships under Club
- Members of the public covered by bye law 5 (b).
- i. (ii) Unless and until the Executive Committee shall otherwise decide the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy of the Club is as adopted on 19 May 2021 and is set out in Appendix 1 to these Byelaws.
- i. (iii) Every member of the Club shall make himself and herself aware of the provisions of the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy of the Club and shall at all times comply with such Policy.
South Hill Wood Bowling Club has considered its responsibilities to the young people participating in bowls at our premises and within our club very carefully and has produced the following Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and underpinning procedures in order to set out the standards we wish to uphold in providing activities for children and safeguarding the welfare of children in our care.
South Hill Wood Bowling Club affiliates to the National Governing Body and the Club recognises the policies of their Governing Body, as set out in the “Safeguarding Bowls Guidelines”.
1.1.1. Policy Statement
South Hill Wood Bowling Club acknowledges its duty of care to safeguard the welfare of all young people (defined as those under 18) involved in bowls within the club. All young people have a right to protection and have their particular needs taken into account.
South Hill Wood Bowling Club will therefore endeavour to ensure the safety and protection of all young people involved with the club through the Child Protection guidelines adopted by the Executive Committee of the club. It is the responsibility of all adults within the club to assist the Executive Committee in this endeavour.
1.1.2. Policy Aims
- To provide young people with appropriate safety and protection whilst in the care of the club and also to help them enjoy their experience of the sport of bowls.
- To reassure parents that their children will receive the best practicable care possible whilst participating in activities within the club.
- To provide support to club members and volunteers to make informed and confident responses to specific child protection issues and to fulfil their role effectively.
1.1.3. Principles
- The welfare of young people is
- All young people, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, ethnic origin and religious beliefs have the right to protection from abuse.
- All suspicions and allegations of abuse and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
- All staff and volunteers working in bowls have a responsibility to report concerns to their Club Safeguarding Officer.
- Adults – club members, volunteers, coaches, referees, and members will be supported to understand their role and responsibility with regard to the duty of care and protection of young people by the club and the National Governing Body.
- Individuals will receive support through education and training coordinated by the club/ national governing body to be aware of and understand best practice and how to manage any welfare or child protection issues that may come to light.
- South Hill Wood Bowling Club will work in partnership with young people and parents to review and implement child protection and safeguarding procedures.
- South Hill Wood Bowling Club’s policy and procedures are based on the above principles and UK and international legislation and government guidance and take the following into consideration:
- The Child Act 1989 and
- Working Together to Safeguard Children
- The UN Convention on the Rights of the
- Any subsequent legislation relating to child protection would implicitly be incorporated into this document.
1. 1.4. Responsibilities and Communication
The South Hill Wood Bowling Club Child Protection Policy will be available to all members, parents, staff, volunteers and participants.
- The Policy will be reviewed every three years by the Executive Committee and amended as appropriate. Guidance from Bowls National Governing Bodies will be sought as part of the review process.
- The Executive Committee has responsibility for ensuring that the policy and procedures are implemented, including referring any appropriate disciplinary action to the national governing body as appropriate.
- The Club Safeguarding Officer has responsibility for responding to any allegations, concerns or child protection incidents, passing information to the appropriate NGB Safeguarding Officer and informing the appropriate club staff where relevant.
- Parents have a responsibility to work together with the club in implementing procedures and providing their children with the necessary information to keep themselves safe.
1.1.5. Monitoring and Review
- This policy will be reviewed one year after being introduced and then every three years or in response to significant new legislation.
- The policy will be monitored in partnership with the National Governing Body and Bowling Development Alliance procedures.
Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Officer is:
Tony Chase